Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Flippin' for my Flip

Over the weekend, we bought a Flip Camera. Here is one of my first videos. It is nothing special, but I am working on something bigger and better. I promise!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Triple Crown

Rusty and I attended live horse racing in Portland on Saturday, which concluded with a simulcast of the Kentucky Derby. All I know is I need a bigger and better hat for next year!

Rain, Rain, Go Away

April was a record-breaking month in Portland. It rained 26 days out of 30. One of the 4 days that were without rain, Rusty and I went hiked Coyote Wall in the Gorge. Here is the picture from the base of the trail.

Here is Rusty on the way up. I tried to get Mt. Hood in the picture with him, but it didn't quite work out.

It was an exposed trail and I ended up with a farmer tan from my t-shirt, which I am sure has since faded. Here is a view from atop the wall.

It was a little early in the hiking season for a strenuous hike. There may have been a few tears along the way, but it is always worth it in the end.

April Showers

Lindsay came to visit for her Spring Break week, which was great for me. The weather was less than impressive, but spending time with her makes up for a dreary 10 days. After a few rain-soaked days in Portland we headed to Seattle for the day.

Here is my very artistic photo of some market goods. I think Lindsay and I both wished for some really fancy cameras that day.

We also decided to go up to the Space Needle. I love pictures of cityscapes.

For whatever reason, Mt. Hood does not like to show her face when Lindsay is in town. I think finally the last day she was in town, we caught a glimpse from our balcony.

I am so thankful to have had a week to spend with Lindsay. There were a million laughs, a few tears, endless raindrops and tons of fun!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Girl Talk

Tonight Rusty ended up talking to Jenni and Annie at the same time on two phones. It was quite humorous to listen to the three of them!

Jenni is on the left and Annie is on right.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

March 2010

I am finally in the current month! Last week we headed to Grandpa Griffin's 80th birthday party in Earp, CA/Parker, AZ. Since we can't make anything easy, we flew into Vegas to see The Karrens. We ended up meeting with The Griffins and The Roysters in Vegas too.

I am pretty sure this place will never be the same after 8 adults and 6 kids ventured in for dinner. However, it was super cute to see the interactions of the 6 little boys!

Here are a few highlights from the trip. Can you tell these two are related? Not only do they wear the same shirt, they pose the same!

I pretty much have the coolest sister-in-laws known to man! I hope they don't mind me posting this goofy picture, but we really had fun at the pool that day.

To read full details about the trip please refer to Annie's blog or Jenni's blog, since I am a lame photographer.

The weather this weekend was beautiful, we decided to take full advantage and golf in the morning. It was really windy in the morning. I wish we would have scheduled an afternoon tee time. It was nice to finally put use the golf clubs I got last year. I am looking forward to a summer full of golf (after my 10-year hiatus).

Finally, I am done. I promise never to wait this long to blog again, because these catch-up posts are too much work. Also, I promise to take more photos. That's all folks!

February 2010

We spent a day and a half with these dolls again.

She may have him wrapped around her little finger. It didn't take much!

Valentine's Day was up next. Rusty really wanted to see Avatar, so I planned a date day for us. We started with a first showing, since the movie was still selling out days in advance. We arrived 30 minutes before the movie started/the theater opened. This is what the line looked like.

This is what Rusty looked like.

Rusty got me tickets to the John Mayer concert on 3/30. Although he will probably look like this all night.

In my head, he will always look like this.

This winter in Portland has been really mild. We even got our first hike completed in February! Taken at the top of Multnomah Falls.

Here comes March!

January 2010

As soon as we returned to Portland, I received a call about 3 week accounting position with a restaurant company. I took it and it turned into something permanent, which is good. Unfortunately, there are no benefits and it doesn't pay much. Oh well at least I am not bored!

I have absolutely 0 pictures from January, so I will showcase the month with images courtesy of Google.

I turned 31, which has been slightly confusing for me. Multiple times I have said and thought I turned 30 this year. I guess old-age is kicking in. Rusty planned a great dinner with friends at our favorite Cuban restaurant Pambiche. After dinner, we headed to Pix Patisserie, which is a fancy little dessert place. YUM! YUM! YUM! I promise to take anyone that comes to Portland to this little gem.

Rusty and I also made a few lifestyle changes. We started sleeping 8 hours every night, which has been fantastic! I am so alert at work and overall feel great. I am sure this will not last forever, but I am enjoying it while I can.

We are eating more on the vegetarian side. Some of my favorite things are:

Coconut Creamer

Almond Milk

Mexican Stuffed Peppers - I just made these tonight for the first time. YUM!

We also started using cloth napkins. Originally, I liked the idea of reducing the amount of paper towels we were using, but now I love it because it makes meals so much nicer. I would highly recommend fancy cloth napkins to everyone. We got these lovelies from Pottery Barn. I love that store.

Bring on February!

December 2009

Our friend, Andrea, had her gallbladder removed, so we spent quite a bit of time at her house helping out with her kids.

Miss Yetta - Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of the day she wore her purple fairy wings all day. She is quite the girly girl!

Mister Tassew - Such a sweet little man. He says things like "you can help with my homework today and tomorrow Rusty can help me." He likes things to be very fair.

Since this was the week before Christmas, we decorated gingerbread houses. Here is mine.

This is the one Rusty and Yetta decorated.

We headed to Chicago for Christmas, which was lovely. It was the first holiday we spent with my family. I was looking forward to a white Christmas and we almost didn't get one. When we arrived on 12/21 there was no snow. No snow?!?! We did walk Michigan Avenue, which is one of the things I miss doing in the winter and summer. Actually, I miss doing that all year!

In front of the John Hancock building with Mom & Jimmy.

We also got to spend lots of time with my bestie Lindsay! We even got to witness the engagement of Brooke and Brian, which made for a super fun night!

Seriously, I love these two! Whenever we get together there are bound to be shenanigans galore!

We also spent New Year's Eve at Lindsay's house.

Next up, 2010!


Hello, my name is Collette and I am a blog slacker.

Excuse #1: I started working full-time.
Excuse #2: I lost my memory card adapter, which means I was unable to upload pictures.

I finally decided to dig out the cords, so all of my pictures are downloaded. Unfortunately, they are not very impressive. I will follow-up this post with the Cliff Notes version of the end of 2009 and 1st quarter 2010.