Sunday, February 22, 2009

Have you ever had breakfast with a geologist?

I have been meaning to post this for awhile. Rusty and I just happened to catch this episode when it aired a few weeks back. It was pretty random, since we do not watch the show regularly. Make sure you have your volume on for this one!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Winter Blues

This last month has got me down! I cannot pinpoint the exact cause. Maybe it was being sick twice, a canceled wedding, an unwelcome birthday, feeling unfulfilled at work or some combination of these events. My mom laughed at me when I said I had the winter blues. The idea of winter blues in a place that rarely sees snow and has temperatures in the 50's pretty frequently is laughable. Usually, I would blame it on all the winter rain in Portland, but this year there has not been much. My boss even informed me today that the tulips in her garden are starting to grow. I just have not wanted to do anything. No cooking, cleaning, homework, exercise, nothing. I have been lazy.

With the passing of January, this phase seems to have passed too. Yesterday, I cleaned, did laundry and just felt great! Today I noticed the sun rises a little earlier and it sets a little later. For some reason, that makes me very happy. Even if the lame groundhog saw his shadow this morning and we have 6 more weeks of winter. I say, bring it on, I am ready!