I recently had the pleasure of spending a lot of time with my Grandma. She was in Montana for the summer so we caught up with her on our trip there and then she accompanied Rusty and I to Madison. She was there to keep me company while Rusty worked all day. We got to do fun things like lunch, shop, and just hang out together.
There are so many things that I adore about her. She is nearing 84 (or 48 as she may tell you) and she is on her third ipod. The first one was not large enough to hold all of her music. It is so fun to hear her signing along and see her dancing around the room. She has such a passion for music and dancing. I think that along with her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren really gives her a zest for life.
There are too many great memories to share them all, but here are a few good ones.
*Going to visit them in Florida most spring breaks and Gram would always make chicken wings and tasty baked goods.
*Sleeping in a twin bed next to her and jabbering away, sometimes past 2 a.m., but I love hearing stories about her life from childhood until now.
*Taking her shopping for winter clothes when she moved back to Wisconsin. She thought she was six sizes larger than she is so we had some good laughs when she tried on her first outfit.
*When she met Rusty for the first time she gave him a shot of Polish vodka(she is 100% Polish). It was 10 a.m. and he had just flown in on a red-eye flight to meet my family and had not even had the chance to shower yet. I think that was the beginning of the beautiful bond between Rusty and Gram.
*Watching her and Rusty pick out songs on the computer to put on her ipod. She adores him and he is so patient with her lack of computer skills.
I truly cherish the times I spend with her.
Very sweet! I can't wait to meet her!! Hope all is well with both of you. We had a nice (but short) visit and miss you both. Love ya!!
There is no one like Grandma. She’s a great woman. I hope I can do half the things she does when I am that age, really! Notice I stayed away from comments about politics and the economy (sorry Rusty ;). I seem to be more about Grannies, flowers, and paper men! It has been nice catching up with you two. Take Care
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